Archive for August, 2009

SUCCESS Is Not An Accident!!!

Success_FailureWelcome To My Blog!!!
The place to get and share information about achieving personal and professional success.
This is one of the best times in history to be in business…opportunities are everywhere…you just need to be open and ready to see them when they are right in front of you. HOW to do that?? Keep checking in for tips, methods, approaches and how to apply proven principles from experts, real life experiences and to share yours!

I just returned from the FocalPoint Coaching Annual Conference in Phoenix. 60 of our top coaches from around the globe were present to share ideas and approaches to ramping up Success-increasing productivity and profitability, achieving goals-Generating More Sales.

18 Disciplines of Selling were presented by our top coach and 2 time recipient of the Brian Tracy Award for Sales Excellence .
Here are the TOP 5: (stay tuned for more on future posts)
1. Be PROUD of whatever role you are in and act like it. Perception is reality.  CONFIDENCE SELLS!!
2. Act like a WINNER. People gravitate to those they perceive as winners. Success is an attitude.
3. Expect SUCCESSS and Never, Never, Never give up. Success requires persistence.
4. Be PASSIONATE about what you do and show it. People feel passion and they pay for passion.
5. Get ORGANIZED. If you live in clutter your mind is cluttered.
It was an inspiring week….What inspires YOU??
I welcome your comments, questions and requests for information. Tune in for upcoming events, articles of interest and lots more…..
To your success!FocalPoint

Posted in Sales, Success | 1 Comment »



  • Do YOU wake up feeling tired?
  • Are YOU overwhelmed?
  • Do YOU lack self confidence?
  • Wonder what YOU did all day?

Then This TELECLASS Series is for YOU !

tiredPlanning is the key to becoming more focused, energetic, and confident so you will accomplish more of what matters. Learn, step-by-step, an easy and effective approach to organizing your personal and professional life while achieving high levels of physical and mental energy.
4 Secrets to Planning and Action
Food and Sustainable Living Coach, Cindy Pikul and Business Performance Coach, Margaret Maclay join forces to share secrets of successful planning and execution based on their diverse experience as corporate executives, entrepreneurs and certified coaches.
           Join this TELECLASS SERIES!!!!

It’s easy….….all you do is dial in:
Secret #1: Apply Positive Thinking- Why and how it works! Monday September 28th 8pm (EST)
Secret #2: Eat Real Foods, Get Active- Easier than you think! Monday October 5th 8pm (EST)
Secret #3: Set Goals- Career, kids, spouse, life: what first? Monday October 19th 8pm (EST)
Secret #4: Take Action! Monday October 26th 8pm (EST)

IMPLEMENT these new approaches immediately and incrementally, and begin as soon as you HANG UP THE PHONE. Wake up ready to face the day. Finish the day feeling a true sense of accomplishment. Develop and execute a plan so YOU can embrace challenges with enthusiasm.  Enjoy true professional and personal success!!!
Your investment:  $97.00 includes 4 calls and all materials.                                 
Interactive Class Length: 50 minutesFocalPoint
REGISTER: go to click “Events” ; reserve your spot and receive call-in details

Posted in Goal Setting, Productivity, Teleseminar | 2 Comments »